Lo Shu: एक अदभुत कला

फैंग शुई: Feng Shui की तरह Lo Shu भी Chinese Numerolgy का एक बहुत बढ़िया साधन है जिसका इस्तेमाल करके आप अपने जीवन को बेहतर बना सकते हैं। The Chinese Magic Square or Lo Shu Grid के बारे में आज हम जानेंगे जिसको इस्तेमाल कर के आप अपने जीवन को ख़ूबसूरत बना पाएँगे और आने वाली किसी भी संकट से उभरने का उपाय कर सकेंगे।

Lo Shu Grid

Lo Shu Grid एक 3×3 का Magic चौकोर है जिसमें 1 से 9 अंक होते हैं जिनका जोड़ हर दिशा मैं 15 ही होता है। बाएँ से दाएँ, उपर से नीचे या तिकोनीय दिशा में अगर आप देखें तो सभी तरफ़ का जोड़ 15 ही है। इस grid को आठ दिशाओं में बाटा जाता है: East,West,North,South.North East,North West,South East,South West जिनकी अलग अलग मान्यताएँ हैं। आपके जन्म दिन के सभी अंकों को इस grid में भरना पड़ता है यानि अगर आपका जन्म 21/3/1985 में हुआ है तो आप 2 को 2 के स्थान पर, एक अंक को एक के स्थान पर लिखेंगे। आप देखेंगे कि आपके जन्म दिन के कुल 2,1,3,1,9,8,5 आठ अंक हैं लेकिन इसमें 4,6,7 अंक नहीं है। आपको नीचे दिखाई image के अनुसार इन स्थानों को ख़ाली रखना है

इस जन्म दिन के मुताबिक़ मूलांक 3 होगा और भाग्यांक 2 है। मूलांक जन्म दिन का जोड़ होता है यानि 21/3/1985 में से 21 जन्म दिन है जिसका जोड़ 2+1=3 आता है। इसी तरह भाग्यांक जन्म के दिन, महीने,वर्ष को जोड़कर आता है 2+1+3+1+9+8+5=29–2+9=11—1+1=2 अब आप इस grid में मूलांक एवं भाग्यांक डाल दें।


Chinese Astrological predictions derive influence from the eight directions and Water Element,Wood Element,Earth Element, Metal Element and Fire Elements as shown in the Lo Shu grid from 1 to 9 as under:

  1. North: Career prospects, water element, planning
  2. South west: Marriage and Love Life, initiative and peace, Earth Element
  3. East: Health, Family, Progress in Life, Wood Element
  4. South East: Wealth, Prosperity, Wood Element
  5. Center: Strength, Stability, Personality, Earth Element
  6. NorthWest: Mentors, Helping Friends, Foreign Contacts, New Opportunities, Metal Element
  7. West: Mental Peace, Children, Creativity,Metal Element
  8. NorthEast: Knowledge,Education, Memory, Earth Element
  9. South: Fame, Energy,Recognition, Fire Element

Top row: (numbers 4, 9 and 2) represents the head of a person. In other words, the top row can be regarded as the Mental plane. It encompasses thinking, creating, imagining and analyzing

Middle row (numbers 3, 5 and 7) represents the body. The middle row is called the Emotional plane. This plane includes spirituality, intuition, feelings and emotions.

Bottom row (numbers 8, 1 and 6) represents the feet. The bottom row is called the Practical plane. This encompasses physical labor, creativity, and the ability to be practical in everyday life. To use the head-legs analogy again, the feet are firmly placed on the ground in the Practical Plane.

Similarly, the vertical COLUMNS are also interpreted as follows:

First vertical column (numbers 4, 3 and 8) is the Thought plane. This reveals the person’s ability to come up with ideas, create things and carry them through to fruition.

Middle vertical column (numbers 9, 5 and 1) is the Will plane. This gives determination and persistence to succeed.

Last Vertical Column(2,7,6) is called Action Plane and indicates ability to put his thoughts into action

Now coming to the charts prepared by you with DOB 21/3/1985, you will find number 4,6,7 missing meaning wealth, prosperity , true friends, mentors, new opportunities and mental peace remains the cause of concern. But a very strong Earth Element 2,5,8 numbers present in his grid indicates that his words are taken seriously This person can come up with plans and has strong will power but lacks in implementation of his action to bring the desired results as he lacks in mentorship, true friends. He can lead his life succesfully by following the undernoted simple remedies

As per Lo Shu, this fault can be rectified by wearing gold chain/bracelet or hanging 5 rods golden wind charm in the North West direction of the house. Besides, putting green light on the south East walls of the bed room will bring wealth,peace in his life.


Parveen Sabharwal


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